Charbonneau Parks and Recreation District
Feasibility Report Summary
The full report can be found by clicking here.
At the urging of the Charbonneau Country Club Board, the Charbonneau Golf Club members of the CCC/CGC Joint Committee studied the feasibility of creating and operating a golf-oriented parks and recreation district (P&RD). The concept appears simple at first sight, but turns out to be quite involved. The study included key Oregon Statutes, interviews with P&RD managers, risks involved, and a preliminary economic model to determine potential taxation costs to homeowners.
Key Cost Parameters Used to Build the Economic Model
- Golf course annual operating shortfall in a P&RD environment – $241,000.
- Startup costs for the development of such a district – $70,000.
- Cost to the P&RD of purchasing the golf course and its assets – $3,000,000.
- Method for financing the golf course acquisition – Sale of Tax Free Bonds.
Several Risk Factors in Creating a P&RD That Must be Considered
Time to create – Two years is too long to find a solution to preserving Charbonneau’s golf course.
Upfront financial risk — $70,000 will be required before any vote of the residents can be held.
Loss of control — A new, independent bureaucratic governmental body formed.
Filling board positions — Difficulty in recruiting qualified volunteers for this crucial taxing authority.
Potential creation of adversarial environment in Charbonneau – Perhaps the greatest risk of all.
· A Parks and Recreation District could be created, with much effort, but take two years or more.
- Most Oregon P&RDs include a swim center – Not a fit in Charbonneau, now operating 12 pools.
- The probability of holding a successful campaign in this economic climate is minimal.
- There are no known leaders with sufficient interest or commitment to lead this effort at this time.
- P&RD acquisition of golf course by virtue of shareholders donating their shares is unlikely.
- A minimum estimate for securing the golf course and assets is $3,000,000.
- The cost per homeowner of a P&RD is not the lowest cost alternative available to homeowners.
- Total TAX INCREASES created by a P&RD to every Charbonneau household are estimated at $25.34 per month / $304.12 per year.
The six members involved in this evaluation recommend unanimously that the Charbonneau Country Club and Charbonneau Golf Club Boards of Directors drop the consideration of creating a golf-oriented parks and recreation district.
This recommendation is based on:
- The availability of one or more simpler alternatives at less than half the cost to homeowners.
- Our assessment that the community-wide vote required for creation would not succeed.
Finally, we ask that the Charbonneau Country Club board support the resumption of the CCC/CGC Joint Committee, working together on a simpler and less costly plan that can be presented this year to all Charbonneau property owners for consideration and approval.