Take the Arts, Culture & Heritage Survey
Hi Elaine,
The City of Wilsonville is gathering public input. Before the end of July, we’d love to hear your perspective on the people, places and things that contribute to a vibrant arts community in Wilsonville.
The Cultural Vision Survey is general in nature. We want to hear what you believe are Wilsonville’s cultural strengths and challenges and your own personal vision for culture.
The Cultural Assets Survey seeks to identify the people, places, organizations, events and objects that may be considered a cultural asset.
Arts and cultural programming contribute to healthy cities. If you appreciate the value these programs can provide, take a minute to inform Wilsonville’s future plans.
To learn more about the Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy, please go online to ci.Wilsonville.or.us/ArtsCultureStrategy. And keep your eye on “Let’s Talk, Wilsonville!” for additional questions about arts, culture and heritage, as well as other opportunities to provide public input.
Kind regards,
The Project Team