Dear TWCDI subscribers:
For the past year you have been a supporter of the Together We Can Do It campaign. Your support is not only appreciated, it is necessary. Thank you for being involved. As part of the campaign, this website was created to help keep you informed.
Since the initiation of the TWCDI education and fund raising program in early 2011, many of you have indicated your willingness to support the golf club so long as a long term solution is being developed. It is increasingly critical that a long term solution be found. After months of attempts to establish a task force to examine alternatives, a Joint Committee was established between CCC and CGCI in early 2011. Their first meeting was held May 1, 2011. In an early organization meeting, in order to control the rumor mill and avoid the development of a misunderstanding in the community, it was agreed that press releases would be jointly developed by a member appointed by CCC and a member appointed by CGCI. Unfortunately, this approach to communication has not been maintained so there is significant misunderstanding developing in the community, and among TWCDI subscribers, about this long term solution.
The Joint Committee established by CCC and CGCI initially made good progress by first examining a list of possible alternatives and then quickly focusing in on just a few that appeared realistic. Early conversations about merging of the Country Club and the Golf Club were promising but were shelved after correspondence from CCC’s attorney suggested there is risk of loss of the not-for-profit tax status. No known attempts were made to determine whether this risk is controllable, so the option remains on the shelf. This happened in part because open communication of information of interest to the Committee was not being released and further research could not be coordinated.
In December, 2011, the Joint Committee met to hear and evaluate a report of another alternative. Three of the CCC appointed Committee members were unable to attend the meeting, so in the interest of having all members informed, a presentation was scheduled in conjunction with the January 10 meeting of the CCC board. Again, without a full airing or understanding of the option, and without a recommendation one way or the other by the Committee, a vote was taken by the CCC board to shelve that option and a recommendation was made to explore the option of creating a parks and recreation district. Further, it was suggested that this alternative be explored by CGCI rather than the Committee because it would be CGCI that would drive the initiative forward, if it were viable. Golf club appointed representatives moved forward to do so.
Today the report is being released. The study group has done as thorough a job of researching the alternative as possible without other steps beyond their control being taken and without a vote of the property owners. It is our hope that the confidence you have in the development of a long term solution will continue and your support for the campaign will continue. We are not there yet, but well-meaning citizens continue to explore alternatives and we believe a solution will be found.
Summary Report (pdf) | Full Report (pdf)