WILSONVILLE, Ore. — At the June 20, 2022, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the Council welcomed the Wilsonville High School Girls Golf team. Mayor Julie Fitzgerald read a proclamation declaring June 20-24 as “Wilsonville Wildcats Week” in recognition of the team’s 2022 Class 5A State Championship; the golfers cruised to a 31-stroke victory during the two-day State tournament in Creswell, Ore., May 16-17.
The Council approved an amended contract with Murraysmith that funds inspection services for the Corral Creek and Rivergreen Lift Stations Rehabilitation Project. Pumping, electrical, and control systems are be upgraded, among other improvements, to ensure the resilience of the City’s wastewater infrastructure.
Additionally, the Council approved an amended contract with Moore Iacofano Goltsman, Inc. (MIG) that funds additional work to incorporate Equitable Housing Strategic Plan priorities into the Frog Pond East and South Master Plan. The funds were made available by a grant from the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD).
During Mayor’s Business, the Council authorized the transfer of $900 in unspent funds previously allocated to the Willamette Falls Locks Commission. With the dissolution of the Commission, the money is to be used by the newly-established Willamette Falls Locks Authority.
During Legal Business, the City Council approved two motions that update conflicting sections of the City’s public contracting code, and also approved the dismissal of a suit previously filed against the Oregon Department of Aviation and the Oregon Aviation Board.
After the meeting adjourned, the Urban Renewal Agency Board convened a brief meeting to authorize a lease agreement that allows Wilsonville Community Sharing to temporarily occupy the former Arts & Technology High School building (29796 SW Town Center Loop E.)
During the work session held prior to the meeting, the Council provided input on a draft Strategic Plan developed by the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee. The plan identifies short-term actions over the next 1-2 years to address improvements in three areas: community engagement, communication & education/inclusive cultural events, celebrations and holiday recognitions. The final plan is to be considered for adoption by the Council on July 18.
Administrative staff shared a summary of recommendations designed to yield enhanced collaboration among Boards & Commissions and the City Council. The recommendations are informed by input gathered at a mid-May meeting of volunteers who serve on City Boards & Commissions.
SMART Transit staff presented draft Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) funding priorities to be submitted as part of the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 biennial planning process. The list includes ongoing projects and estimates new funding for future projects, including new routes, improved customer service and facility expansion.
Planning staff shared an update on the Frog Pond East & South Master Plan, and sought direction from the City Council regarding the number, location and type(s) of housing that should be included within these future neighborhoods.
The first July meeting is canceled. The next regular meeting of the City Council is to be held on Monday, July 18, at 7 pm; a pre-meeting work session is scheduled at 5 pm.
Community members can watch all City Council meetings on cable (Xfinity Ch. 30, Ziply Ch. 32) or on the City’s YouTube channel: ci.wilsonville.or.us/WilsonvilleTV.
CONTACT: Bill Evans, Communications and Marketing Manager
503-570-1502; evans@ci.wilsonville.or.us
Source: City of Wilsonville. 6.21.22