Public Survey #1
Your answers to this survey will help ODAV understand the Airport’s needs for the next twenty years. The survey will take about 10-15 minutes to finish and will be available until March 25, 2022. of these links and additional resources can be found at this link:
Past News:
We just received word of a very important session of the Aurora Airport Master Planning #2 . Attend the virtual open house. Registration required and post your testimony today. Don’t forget to take the survey. Your voice will be heard the more that participate.
Here is the info for the ‘public involvement’ Aurora Airport Master Plan PAC Meeting, the Public Open House, and also the link to the Survey:
Tuesday, March 1, 2022, 3:00pm-5:00pm, virtual meeting via Zoom
From Public Involvement consultants to the Oregon Department of Aviation – “Due to the interest in the project, we may not be able to hear from everyone; however, all written comments collected before, during or after the meeting will be provided to the PAC members and included in the Meeting Summary.”
Send your Written Comments or Questions by email to: or use the “Contact & Comment” link to submit comments or questions – submitting your written comments by either way will incorporate them into the Public Record of PAC Meeting #2: Open House #1
Tuesday, March 1, 2022, 5:00pm-7:00pm by phone or Zoom virtual meeting
Register to join the virtual Public Open House on March 1:
This meeting will provide an opportunity for the PAC, community, neighbors, and project stakeholders to learn about the Airport Master Plan project. For copies of the airport planning work products visit the Resources page.