April 21, 2021 — At the April 19, 2021, meeting, the City Council approved a preferred approach for the “Boeckman Dip” project to mitigate the steep slopes for travelers on Boeckman Rd. between Canyon Creek Rd. and Stafford Rd.
The Council approved the staff’s recommendation of a $20.7 million plan to build a bridge that removes the dip to increase safety and connectivity, improve emergency response and limit environmental and wildlife impacts. When construction begins, after further project funding is identified and the design completed, the project will require the closure of this road segment for the duration of the project.
Additionally, the Council again continued a scheduled public hearing to approve Comprehensive Plan and Zone Map amendments to accommodate construction of the Canyon Creek subdivision. The Council scheduled a May 26 special meeting at 6:30 pm for the first reading in order to facilitate more time for public comment on the project.
On consent, the Council also approved the extension of the professional services agreement with RayJay Ads & PR to provide marketing and promotional services to ignite the ‘Explore Wilsonville’ Tourism Promotion and Development and Destination Marketing Program, previously reduced in scope because of COVID-19.
During Communications, Clackamas County Undersheriff Mike Copenhaver led a presentation discussing the public safety levy that is to appear for voters’ consideration on the May 2021 ballot. The informational presentation included specifics on how the 5-year levy would be allocated to improve the agency’s service to Clackamas County, and at what cost to taxpayers.
Metro Council President Lynn Peterson made a virtual visit to present a summary of Metro’s priorities to support Portland-metro area residents in the wake of last fall’s Parks & Nature bond measure. Funding is to be used to purchase land, restore fish and wildlife habitat and complete trails through Metro’s parks and nature system.
During Mayor’s Business, Mayor Julie Fitzgerald summarized a new COVID-19 grant relief program established by Business Oregon to help building owners to cover outstanding lease payments from small business tenants behind on rent because of COVID-19. The grants can go up to $100,000 per each business tenant, but not more than $3 million for each landlord.
The Mayor read three proclamations to raise local awareness about three significant events:
- “Earth Day” (April 22)
- Bike Month (May)
- Building Safety Month (May)
At the work session held prior to the meeting, Planning staff shared progress on the City’s Middle Housing Project, which is updating City code and policies to successfully integrate needed middle housing into existing and future neighborhoods.
Council also provided additional direction on by-laws drafted to guide the work of the City’s DEI Committee. As many as 13 community members will soon be appointed by the Council to identify strategies to create a culture of acceptance and mutual respect that acknowledges differences and strives for equitable outcomes of opportunity, access and inclusion for every member of the community. The by-laws are scheduled to be considered for adoption at a May meeting.
The next meeting is scheduled to be held virtually on Monday, May 3, at 7 pm; a pre-meeting work session is scheduled at 5 pm.
Community members can watch all City Council meetings on cable (Xfinity Ch. 30, Ziply Ch. 32) or on the City’s YouTube channel: ci.wilsonville.or.us/WilsonvilleTV.
Photo thanks to Pamplin Media article here: https://pamplinmedia.com/wsp/134-news/452322-367766-boeckman-dip-bridge-project-plans-are-far-from-finished