We are happy to announce that the tennis club and fitness center are open beginning today, January 29. The Governor issued a press release earlier this week that announced fitness centers and indoor entertainment facilities can open with restrictions. Please see below for the current guidelines on the fitness center and tennis club and contact the CCC office at 503-694-2300 during business hours (Mon.-Fri., 9am-5pm) if you wish to join or renew your membership.
We are still waiting on Governor Guidelines for indoor entertainment facilities to be issued, which we will use to evaluate how we can utilize our CCC clubhouse. We hope to have more good news for you early next week on the clubhouse. Thank you for your continued patience.
Thank you,
Jim Meierotto, General Manager
Charbonneau Country Club
Fitness Center Guidelines as of Jan. 29, 2021
We are excited to announce that the fitness center will open on Friday, January 29, at 2:00 pm.
Members will need to make a reservation to use the Fitness Center.
- Only 4 members are able to use the gym at any given time.
- You can reserve space for up to 1 hour per day and can reserve up to three reservations per week. Reservation sheets are located on a table as you enter the fitness center. First come, first served.
- This will be monitored and is a work in progress as government guidelines may change.
Guidelines for using this facility as per the Governor’s recommendations:
- Maintain at least six (6) feet of physical distance from other members.
- Face masks are required.
- Members are encouraged to thoroughly wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds upon entering facility. Hand sanitizer will be available for use during the gym session.
- Equipment has been moved to accommodate distancing.
- Work- out mats and balls have been removed to make space for equipment.
- Members should wipe down all equipment before and after use. Please allocate time to end your session and wipe down equipment without overlapping into the next persons session. We ask that you bring your own sanitary wipes so that our supply doesn’t run short.
- The water dispenser has been removed. Please bring your own water bottle.
- Janitorial services will clean restrooms twice daily.
- If you are sick, stay home.
- Clients at higher risk for severe COVID-19 complications (persons over age 60 or with underlying medical conditions) are encouraged to stay home to reduce their risk of exposure
- We do not guarantee this facility is free of risk from COVID 19 and use at your own risk
Tennis Club and Pickleball Guidelines as of Jan. 29, 2021
- Play at your own risk. We do not guarantee that this facility is free of risk from COVID-19. People over age 60 or have underlying conditions are especially vulnerable to COVID-19.
- Don’t play if you are not feeling well or have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days
- Use hand sanitizer as soon as you enter the building and immediately before leaving
- Do not enter the playing area until your time
- Do not share equipment with other players
- Do not make contact with other players such as shaking hands or high-fives
- No more than 6 players on each court
- Maintain 6’ separation from other players at all times, including at court changeovers
- One person at a time in restrooms
- Bring a full water bottle to the court
- Janitorial service will clean restrooms 2x
Source: CCC Email Updaste 2.29.21