Charbonneau Neighbors:
Over the weekend the Country Club received word that on Thursday, April 16, Tony Holt, former Charbonneau Country Club (CCC) President, passed away at his home from a long-time illness.
Tony Holt was first elected to the Board 15 years ago. His first term was 2005-2011. In 2013, he was elected again. During those years, Tony took on the important and time-consuming task of heading up the Charbonneau Civic Affairs Committee. Tony was at the forefront of the efforts to protect our quality of life from the encroachment of industrial development on Charbonneau’s border. He attended countless regional and state meetings, wrote numerous correspondence and editorials and testified in front of committees and commissions, all in his commitment to safeguard this community. Tony became the CCC Board president in 2015 and continued as president until February 2019. At that time he stepped down due to health issues.
Tony volunteered on so many committees it is hard to name them all. His dedication of time and effort on behalf of Charbonneau with regional governments and public agencies has had a positive and lasting impact on our community. His length of service was extraordinary.
When learning of Tony’s passing, former CCC Executive Director Susie Stevens responded, “I had the privilege of working with Tony for many years. He was a brilliant, collaborative, and caring volunteer who gave countless hours to both Charbonneau and the City of Wilsonville. His long-time commitment to his community never wavered. He will be missed by many.”
Tony was an excellent leader for our community since the time he joined the CCC Board in 2005. He was a patient mentor for me as I stepped into his shoes last year and I also considered him a friend. It has been an honor for me to serve alongside this dedicated community leader.
See Pamplin article:
Kathy Harp
CCC Board President