Update. 3.19.20
For all interested residents of Wilsonville, this updates with further information on how to help or register your opposition to Measure 3-556. If passed on May 19th, would impose term limits on Wilsonville’s mayor and city council retroactively.
Please add your name as a supporter! We would like to include your name both in a Voters Pamphlet Statement opposing term limits and on the campaign website. To do this, please fill out the form which authorizes your name to be used. By March 23.
Click here to download the form.
See instructions on attached PDF to fill out the Endorsement form, JCVP-02. Select “Option 1”, print or type your Name as you like it to appear, sign it (e-signature ok), and date it. Please return it to: protectwilsonvilleelections@gmail.com
To contribute to the No Term Limits for Wilsonville campaign, please go to our secure donation link: https://secure.c-esystems.com/protectwilsonvilleelections/donation.aspx
If you prefer to send a check, Oregon law requires that you include your Occupation and Employer along with the check
Send checks to: Protect Wilsonville Elections, P.O. Box 1171, Wilsonville, OR 97070
For your records: Protect Wilsonville Elections PAC ID: 20469
If you have additional questions, call Mary at (503) 320-9757 or contact us at protectwilsonvilleelections@gmail.com
Update on 3.11.20
Charbonneau Residents Need To Be Aware
Charbonneau residents need to be aware of an important measure on the May 19 election ballot. And they need to vote! If approved by Wilsonville voters, the measure would limit the number of terms the city’s mayor and members of the City Council could serve. Not only that, it would be retroactive and preclude our current mayor from serving again, should he choose to be a candidate in the November election and be re-elected.
Why is this important? Because Mayor Tim Knapp and the majority of the rest of the Council have “had Charbonneau’s back” in matters related to the possible expansion of the Aurora State Airport and to attempts to change the zoning of land to the south when developers have attempted to get it re-zoned to allow industrial plants and facilities. The Council has urged an open and above board process when decisions are being made and they have insisted on a seat at the table when matters that affect Charbonneau and the rest of the city are being decided.
There are some who believe that term limits are a good idea, that they result in new, fresh blood in our political system. Others believe that it makes no sense to deprive the city of knowledgeable and experienced leadership. You should be allowed to decide who you want to lead our city. That’s why we have elections.
Watch for your ballot at the end of April and send it in.
Source: Charbonneau Civic Affairs. 3.11.20