February 4, 2020 — During the February 3, 2020, Wilsonville City Council meeting, the Council discussed a term-limit initiative petition that gathered a sufficient number of signatures to be placed on the May 2020 election ballot. The measure would amend the Wilsonville City Charter to prohibit any person from serving as mayor, city councilor, or any combination of both, for more than 12 years in any 20-year period.
The Council unanimously backed an ordinance to include a neutral explanatory statement about the ballot measure in the voters’ pamphlet, and chose not to draft a competing ballot measure, as allowed by law. Four Council members expressed concerns about the potential effects of the measure, while one councilor spoke in favor.
Voters are to decide in May whether the ballot measure should take effect or be rejected. If passed, the measure would apply retroactively to all current City Council members, precluding Mayor Tim Knapp and Councilor Charlotte Lehan from seeking re-election.
Council approved an agreement with the Korean War Memorial Foundation of Oregon (KWMFO) to establish a new Korean War Memorial Interpretive Center within a 350-square-feet area inside the City’s Parks and Recreation Administration Building at Town Center Park. In collaboration with the Korean War Veterans Association Oregon Trail Chapter, the KWMFO is funding the design and construction of an interactive display that includes Korean War history and artifacts. Upon completion, the exhibit is being donated to the City to operate and maintain.
Additionally, the Council amended an existing resolution authorizing the City to proceed with property acquisition and use of eminent domain to advance the road construction project that extends and connects 5th St. and Kinsman Rd. The amendment updates the number of properties, amount of property, and type of purchase authorized for acquisition.
Council approved the purchase of two 21-passenger buses by South Metro Area Regional Transit (SMART). These Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) buses support SMART’s goal of operating a fleet entirely fueled by alternative energies by 2028. The $236,000 purchase price is funded primarily by State grants; SMART is utilizing Statewide Transportation Improvement Funds to fund the local balance of $47,320. SMART anticipates arrival of the new buses this fall.
Council also approved more than $19,000 in additional funding for design and engineering services necessary to complete the design of the City’s submersible wastewater pump station at Memorial Park.
During Councilor Comments, the Council encouraged community members to attend an open house at City Hall on Feb. 19, 5-8 pm, to learn more about the I-5 Pedestrian Bridge. This project would provide safe passage over the highway, linking neighborhoods and business centers with the Wilsonville Transit Center and the Town Center.
During the work session prior to the meeting, City staff sought direction from the Council on alternatives to shape development of the proposed “Boeckman Dip Bridge” that is designed to upgrade a steep and narrow portion of rural Boeckman Rd. roadway to urban standards. Council approved a hydraulic/hydrologic study to gather additional information that will inform the bridge design. The bridge would improve sight distances at the Canyon Creek Road intersection and provide safer passage for pedestrians, cyclists and wildlife.
The next meeting of the City Council is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 20, at 7 pm, with work session commencing at 5 pm.
Community members can watch all City Council meetings on cable (Comcast/Xfinity Ch. 30, Frontier Ch. 32) or on the City’s YouTube channel: ci.wilsonville.or.us/WilsonvilleTV.
Contact: Bill Evans, Communications and Marketing Manager
503-570-1502; evans@ci.wilsonville.or.us