Special Tournament
Don’t forget our fund raiser for Friends of French Prairie on Jan 29th at the CCC for all their help in our LUBA action. You get to play the Oregon Chess Champion for many years — Nick Raptis. He will play at least ten of you all at once. A $50.00 donation gets you a ticket to play. Nick says he has played 40 people at once before! We will have the chess boards televised so if you’re just going to watch you’ll have a great big screen seat. $20 to watch. Wine available. If this is successful I expect it to be the beginning of a chess club. Nick will give a talk after on how to improve your game. Contact me Wayne Richards rich4748@outlook.com for tickets. Great fun, good cause.
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Friends and Neighbors,
Friends of French Prairie has been the spear head of our efforts to protect our farm land from developers and to make sure that our community has a voice in decisions that affect our quality of life, health and safety. They have incurred some legal expense during this process. I thought a really fun way to help raise funds would be a Chess Challenge. The high lights are on the attached flyer. Would you let me know at rich4748@outlook.com if you would like to be a part of it by Jan 10th? (or earlier!).
Thank You,
Wayne Richards
Charbonneau Civic Affairs Chair
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