November has arrived—Daydreams abounding of turkey (or to furky!), with mashed potatoes and gravy! Even the wholly unwelcome appearance of stomach-turning, nasty ol’ orangeyams (double yuck!) upon the overfreighted table cannot diminish the joy of ourupcoming Thanksgiving holiday! Here’s hoping yours is filled with fun to (nearly) bursting!
Adult Library
So here’s what’s happening this month on the adult side of the Library:
On Friday, November 1st, at 6:00PM, our First Friday Film program returns.We’re prohibited by moronic copyright laws from telling you the name of this month’s film, but we can say that it’s a film about a struggling musician who realizes he’s the only person on Earth who can remember The Beatles after waking up in an alternate timeline where the band never existed. If you didn’t already see this film Yesterday, then you’ll probably enjoy it a lot!
If you still can’t elucidatethe title of this film, give us a call at the library, and we’lltell you very quietly! Free admission, and we’ve even got snatchable snacks that you can make an optional donation for, or else feel guilty in perpetuity!
Do you know someone who would like to brush up on English? Please tell them about our English Conversation Group.3 Monday evenings thismonth, November 4th, 18th, and 25th,beginning at6:00PM.,participants can drop in to learn and practice English in this free, informal class. (Remember, we’ll be closed on the 11th).Speakers of any language and any English comprehensive level are welcome, and no registration is necessary.
The dulcet tones of our free monthly Booknotes Concert will metaphorically perfume the air on Saturday, November 9th, at 2:00PM. This time around, we’re featuring the Fireside Social Orchestra Quartet performing a concert of songs and dances from the 19th century parlour, ballroom and grange. Bring your own spittoon! Music by Stephen Foster, James Hewitt, John Philip Sousa, and many others. Four musicians will ably perform on period instruments, including violin, tenor viola, flute, cello, ophicleide, ocarinas, flageolet, walking stick recorder, banjo and guitar. The talented musicians who comprise this group are Phil and Gayle Neuman, Laura Kuhlman, and Elizabeth O’Connor. Please come in and tap your feet to the rhythms!
On Sunday, November 10th, at 1:30PM, please join us for a free lecture The Real Thanksgiving, graciously given byDr. Bill Thierfelder, professor emeritus and docent at the American Museum of Natural History.
Thanksgiving is a tradition that goes back centuries, but our modern version of televised football and a banquet (with or without those nasty orangeyams—yuck!) is only the most recent way that the holiday has been celebrated. In this lecture Dr. Thierfelder will examine regional traditions, folklore, music, and even a few antique recipes—all in the service of discovering the ‘Thanks’ in our Thanksgiving!
Whoa! Keep in mind that we will be closed on Monday, November 11th, in honor of Veterans’ Day. Do you know a veteran? Today (and every other day) would be a great day to express your thanks!
On Tuesday, November 12th, at 6:00PM, our Great Books Discussion Group gathers. Are you interested in philosophy and the big questions of life? (Yeah, me neither!) Join us each month for a roundtable discussion of how modern day issues are reflected and illuminated by the great Western classic books. This month, we’ll be discussingtwo works by Aristophanes: Clouds and Lysistrata. Call or email us to join our Great Books e-mailing list andreceive monthly links to online versions of our group readings.
Hooray! It’s the Genealogy Club, meeting again on Monday, November18th, at 1:00PM. Join Malia and the all the hoary regulars at 1:00PM for helpful tips and tricks for all levels from beginners to seasoned genealogists. Discover new genealogical resources and tools, discuss personal research and goals, and learn from others!
Join us on Thursday, November 21st at 6:00PM for our free lecture: A Will is Not Enough in Oregon.Local attorney Richard Schneider will share practical advice on how to safeguard your assets and make your health care wishes known during (and after) your lifetime. Get up-to-date information about wills, living trusts, powers of attorney, and more. Bring your questions!
On Tuesday, November 26th, at 6:30PM (doors open at 5:00—hint, hint), you should check out the History Pub! The Wilsonville Public Library Foundation, the Wilsonville/Boones Ferry Historical Society, and McMenamin’s have teamed up to present free monthly programs focusing on Oregon’s rich history. Held at the McMenamin’s Old Church (near Fred Meyer). This month, we feature Rhyme ‘em Cowboy!, a presentation by Tom Swearingen, Oregon’s Cowboy Poet!
Tom Swearingen tells stories of the people and land of the American West through original cowboy poetry that is often inspired by his own experiences and observations from the saddle. Some are humorous, others serious, and all entertaining. Tom brings his stories to life with rhythm and rhyme and a storytelling style that makes him a popular performer not only at cowboy gatherings and horse camps, but at libraries, historical centers, and wherever else you find folks who appreciate the cultural heritage of the West.
Younger Readers
For the younger set we also host many fun activities this month!
Baby Time meets on 4Fridays, November 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd(no program on the 29th) at 11:30AM – Moms, Dads, Grandmas and Caregivers join us for songs, rhymes, and special bonding time with your baby. Stay afterward to play and chat with other caregivers about all things baby!
Play Group meets 3 times this month, onMondays, November 4th, 18th, and 25that 10:00AM (We’ll be closed on Monday, November 11th). Drop in anytime and let the kiddos play with a variety of toys, as well as socialize with the under-6 crowd. For children ages birth to 6 with their grownups.
Toddler Timewill meet4 days this month, those being Tuesdays, November 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th, at 10:00AM, then again the same dayat 11:00AM – Join us for an interactive program that includes songs, parachute fun, bubbles, puppets, and stories for our youngest patrons. This program is designed with even the most active toddler in mind!
Family Storytime meets on 3 days each and every week! First on Tuesdays, November 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26that 6:30PM; then again on Wednesdays, November 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27that 10:30AM; and then finally on Thursdays, November 7th, 14th, and 21st (Sorry, no Storytime on November 28th)at 10:30AM. Bring the whole family for fun with creative storytelling with stories, songs, and puppets!
On Thursday, November 14that 3:30PM, we present K-2 Book Adventures – Join us as we share some of our favorite classic stories, books, and authors through interactive storytelling, puppetry, and other fun activities. For children in Kindergarten through 2nd grade.
Teen Readers
And last but not least, here’s what’s going on for teens in 6th to 12th grades!
Friday, November 22ndat 6:30PM– There will be a free Teen After Hours Event featuring an instructor-led Bob Ross style painting class. This free class is limited to 30 students in 6th through 12th grade—so we ask that they register on our website (beginning on November 1st). May all your skies be cerulean blue (and not VanDyke brown!)
Don’t forget to visit the library and see what’s available from our Library of Things! Now you can check out games, appliances, musical instruments, and more!
Source: Greg Martin, Wilsonville Public Library. 10.11.19