The Village Center Development Task Force has been meeting and provided the following report on their work. If you have questions please contact either Anne Shevlin or Kathy Fuller.
Thank, You,
Jim Meierotto
General Manager
Charbonneau Country Club
Charbonneau Country Club
Village Center Development Task Force
November 21, 2019
Report to the Charbonneau Community
Anne Shevlin and Kathy Fuller, facilitators
Meetings of the newly-formed Village Center Development Task Force (previously known as the Annex Task Force) are now underway. The group is comprised of eight residents, two CCC Board members and the general manager, a member of the Golf Club Board, as well as representatives from Access Architecture, and BC Group, a Portland real estate and construction advisory company. The purpose of the Task Force is to oversee the design and construction process of the Annex Building.
Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue and other emergency responders have completed their training in the old restaurant building. The demolition of the building should take place in early December. Contracts have been signed, and permits are being finalized. After the building is razed, the ground will be hydro-seeded to prevent erosion, and a fence will be installed around the perimeter for safety.
The Task Force members are currently reviewing input from the community on how the building should be used. This input was provided over a number of years and through a variety of surveys, questionnaires, and written comments. Suggestions include a restaurant or some sort of food and beverage service, a multipurpose room to accommodate anything from indoor pickleball to an expanded exercise area, an arts and crafts room, a game room with pool and ping pong tables, and a walking path around the entire Village Center, to name but a few. A two-story building will include an elevator and will meet all ADA requirements.
When Access Architecture has submitted a variety of final plans with associated costs, the Task Force recommends that the plans be made available to the community for discussion and review. It is anticipated that there may be as many as three different plans, ranging from basic amenities to more elaborate. Residents will be asked to attend meetings at the Clubhouse to see and hear the details of each plan before the Task Force formulates a recommendation to the Board.
The next steps are to receive initial design concepts from the architect, conduct a food, beverage and activity review of the entire Village Center, and engage with our Charbonneau business partners to assure we are all working together to enhance our community.
Source: CCC Update. 11.21.19