On Wednesday, September 25 from 8 am to 6 pm, the Washington County Sheriff’s, Tactical Negotiations Team (TNT) will be training at the old restaurant building. TNT is an interagency team, and there will be officers from Washington and Clackamas counties training. Sergeant John Crecelius will be leading the training and will take appropriate safety measures. You can expect to see up to 25 officers, SWAT vehicles, and while the training will be in the building, you may hear blasts as they practice entering rooms.
The training opportunity for law enforcement and firefighters to train in an unknown commercial building is extremely valuable to our community and metro, as it gives officers a rare chance at a more real world experience outside of their training centers. We are working with law enforcement and TVF&R to offer these opportunities before the building is demolished, and we are honored to have TNT train at Charbonneau next week.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jim Meierotto at 503-694-2300.
Source: CCC Update. 9.20.19