Adult Readers
Adults, Teens, and (of course) kids too! All the programs officially begin on June 10th, but you can always sign up the whole summer long! And don’t forget about our wonderful Thursday Fun Shows, beginning on the 20th!
Here’s what’s happening this month on the adult side of the Library:
On Friday, June 7th, at 6:00PM, our First Friday Film program returns. This month, we’ll watch a real dog of a film…but I mean that only in the best way! This film is about a devoted dog who discovers the meaning of its own existence through the lives of the humans it teaches to laugh and love. Reincarnated as multiple canines over the course of five decades, the lovable pooch develops an unbreakable bond with a kindred spirit of a boy. Still can’t figure it out? Just give us a call at the library, and we’lltell you very quietly! Free admission, and we’ve even got snacks!
Do you know someone who would like to brush up on English? Please tell them about our new English Conversation Group. Held on Monday evenings June 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th,beginning at 6:00PM.,participants can drop in to learn and practice English in this free, informal class. Speakers of any language and any English comprehensive level are welcome, and no registration is required.
On Tuesday, June 4th at 6:30PM, come and see our graduating class of Mexican Folk Dancers. These hard-working kids have had nine classes to perfect their craft, and now they’re ready to strut their stuff in front of you (and their parents!) Free and open to all.
Also for English learners, we have an ESL class that meets on Thursdays, June 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th from 1:00PM to 2:30PM. The class is conducted informally by an experienced ESL instructor. No pre-registration is required and the class is free. Call Deborah Gitlitz (ellahablaespañol) for further information—503-570-1582.
On Saturday, June 8th, at 2:00 PM, our very popular (and free) BookNotes concert series will once more take to the limelight. This time, we’re featuring our local Portland chapter of Opera on Tap. These amateur opera singers ache to bring lofty arias directly to the masses. Audience participation is encouraged, so join us and help name that tune–identify songs that you have heard in movies, TV shows, or commercials.BYOH (Bring your own horns)!
On Tuesday, June 11th, at 6:00 PM, our Great Books Discussion Group gathers. Are you interested in philosophy and the big questions of life? Join us each month for a roundtable discussion of how modern day issues are reflected and illuminated by the great Western classic books. This month, we’ll be discussing The Education of Henry Adamsby Henry Adams (and who better?). Call or email us to join our Great Books e-mailing list and (with luck) receive monthly scans of our readings.
Hooray! It’s the Genealogy Club, meeting again on Monday, June 17th, at 1:00 PM. Join Maliaat 1:00 PM for helpful tips and tricks for all levels from beginners to seasoned genealogists. Discover new genealogical resources and tools, discuss personal research and goals, and learn from others! Note to participants: As hard as it is to believe, yes, we’re ALL descendants of royalty–even your dorkybrother-in-law!
Thursday, June 20th at 11:00 AM (and then again at 12:30 PM, and yet again at 2:00 PM) marks the beginning of our much-beloved Thursday Fun Shows! Especially for the Summer Reading Program, we present juggler Rhys Thomas, who blends science with comedy in a show the Smithsonian Institution called “Wonderful!” The show is free, but we suggest arriving early, as we often run out of seating before everyone can be admitted. Don’t let it happen to you!
The Wilsonville Library Book Club will meet on Thursday, June 27th at 6:00 PM to discuss a wonderful book that I unfortunately don’t know the title of yet! Give us a call at the library or come in to check out one of the copious copies we have stashed away. I’m sure it will be great!
Just in case Uncle Sam didn’t get the last drop of your blood in April, the Red Cross is visiting the library to take a bit more. Help your community by donating blood on Monday, June 24th, from 12:00 to 5:00 PM. For an appointment, please visit or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). Donate blood and change a life!
On Tuesday, June 25th, at 6:30 PM (doors open at 5:00—hint, hint), you should check out the History Pub! The Wilsonville Public Library Foundation, the Wilsonville/Boones Ferry Historical Society, and McMenamin’s have teamed up to present free monthly programs focusing on Oregon’s rich history. Held at the McMenamin’s Old Church (near Fred Meyer). This month, we featureTillamook Burn: Legacy of Fire. Hosted by Doug Decker, Oregon’s former State Forester.
The Tillamook Burn was a series of four devastating wildfires that swept the Oregon Coast Range at six year intervals in the 1930s and 1940s, leaving a 500-square mile swath of burned trees and charred slopes. Come witness how these fires and other past events have shaped the landscape of today’s Tillamook State Forest and how the forest has in turn shaped generations of Oregonians, many who remember the Tillamook simply as “The Burn.”
Using writings, oral history interviews, photographs, maps and stories from those who have known and shaped the forest over many years, forest historian Doug Decker will portray the dramatic changes of the 20th Century and sketch how that legacy continues to influence the future.
On Thursday, June 27th at 11:00 AM (and then again at 12:30 PM, and yet again at 2:00 PM) for the second installment of our Thursday Fun Shows, we feature Red Yarn! Enjoy exciting stories told with puppets and live folk and rock songs. (Hmmmmm…for the grammatically inclined among you, do you think the phrase ‘live folk’ in the previous sentence refer to living people [as opposed to the puppets], or to the folk-style music that’s played on the spot?–Perhaps both?)
Younger Readers
For the younger set we also host many fun activities this month, in addition to the Summer Reading Program, which begins on the 10th!
Baby Time meets (please note the new dates and time!) on 2 Mondays, June17th and 24th at 10:30 AM – Moms, Dads, Grandmas and Caregivers join us for songs, rhymes, and special bonding time with your baby. Stay afterward to play and chat with other caregivers about all things baby!
Toddler Time will also meeton 2 days this month, those being Tuesday, June 18th and Tuesday, June 25th, at 10:00 AM, then again the same days at 11:00 AM – Join us for an interactive program that includes songs, parachute fun, bubbles, puppets, and stories for our youngest patrons. This program is designed with even the most active toddler in mind!
On Tuesdays, June 18th and 25th, at 6:30 PM, and Wednesdays, June 19th and 26th, at 10:30 AM, (and then again at 1:00 PM), come and see Stories and Science! Bring the whole family for fun with creative storytelling with stories, songs, and puppets, together with a science demonstration.
Teen Readers
And last but not least, here’s what’s going on for teens in 6th to 12th grades!
Thursday, June 20th from 9:00– 11:00 PM – Teens can join us for Library After Dark! Trivia, karaoke, games, and drinks. Your glow-in-the-dark attire is welcome! Spook up the place on a dark, dark night!
Also for teens, on Thursday, June 27th, beginning at 4:00 PM, we have Escape in Space! Join us for a space-themed escape room challenge! Bring your own squad or join one of ours. Can you escape before the meteor strikes?
Hope to see you all here at the library this month!
Source: G. Martin. Wilsonville Library. 5.10.19