FOFP’s land use attorney recently made us aware of a stealth funding bill for construction at the Aurora Airport. We immediately requested that he send a letter on our behalf to the Attorney General’s office given that there is no properly approved or legally adopted master plan for the Aurora Airport.
The funding is found in two line items in HB 5006 for Capital Projects and will be heard by the Sub-Committee on Capital Projects tomorrow, June 24, at 10:00 AM. You can download the bill, our opposition testimony and our letter to the Attorney General’s office below.
Also of note, the “yet to be approved and adopted master plan” shows this item “run-up area construction” as $337,250. HB 5006 would fund it to the level of $2,505,000 — a six fold increase with no justification as to why, and no master plan to guide the expenditure.
(The FFOFP) have consistently communicated the continuing problems with the Aurora Airport master plan to the Governor’s office and to Legislative leadership, to no avail. Politics again is prevailing!
Those interested in expressing their point of view may submit testimony to:
Source: Friends of French Prairie. 6.23.19