UPDATE: Following the luncheon the CWA members presented Dr. Mitri with a donation check to the Knight’s Cancer Institute.
Here is your “heads up” about plans for the upcoming March 2019 luncheon for CWA at the Charbonneau Country Club .
The menu this month, catered by “It’s Party Time,” will include: homestyle meatloaf, oven roasted chicken, petite peas, green salad, rolls and butter. For dessert — rainbow sherbet.
Note: This luncheon will be served buffet style. Anyone needing help is asked to remain at their table and someone will assist them.
Don’t forget to sign-up in the CCC coatroom and pay for your luncheon by Thursday, March 7th at Noon — $20 for members | $25 for guests. We no longer allow exceptions to this deadline! If you are bringing a guest, please put their name on your check or on the envelope, otherwise our treasurer won’t be able to figure out how to assign the funds.
See you there!
Source: CWA Board, Charbonneau Women’s Association