WILSONVILLE, OR — The City of Wilsonville seeks public review and feedback on the draft design concept for the future of Town Center with an online survey and Feb. 8 open-house event.
Over the last year, the City’s Community Development Department has conducted a variety of public-engagement activities to understand the community’s vision for the future of Town Center that is now compiled into a draft “Community Design Concept.” The City seeks input on suggested changes to connectivity, development and greenspaces in order to create a draft plan for Town Center.
The Town Center Plan open house is scheduled for Thursday, Feb 8, 5:30-8 pm, at City Hall, 29799 SW Town Center Loop East.
An online survey for public comment, along with details on the draft plan, is available until Monday, Feb. 19, at www.WilsonvilleTownCenter.com.
Hard copy prints of the draft Community Design Concept for Town Center are available at City Hall and the Wilsonville Public Library, 8200 SW Wilsonville Road.
Town Center Plan manager Miranda Bateschell said, “Now we need to hear from Wilsonville residents and business managers! What did we get right? What did we miss? What should change?”
Led by a City Council-appointed volunteer task force, the Wilsonville Town Center Plan seeks to guide development in the 100-acre Town Center area to create a cohesive, unified district that enhances existing assets in the area and sets the stage for new development. City staff and consultants have spent considerable time and effort over the past year to attend community events, interview stakeholders and undertake public surveys in order to build a community-driven vision for a vibrant Town Center.
A special joint City Council-Planning Commission meeting held on Dec. 4 reviewed public comment and findings to-date that showed significant community support for a more walkable, “Main Street district” with denser, taller mixed-use buildings that offer various dining options, including outdoor eating, and a wider array of small-business shopping opportunities.
Funding for the project is provided by a Metro Community Planning and Development Grant with matching funds from the City’s Urban Renewal Agency.
For more information, visit www.WilsonvilleTownCenter.com or contact Miranda Bateschell, Planning Manager, at 503-570-1581; bateschell@ci.wilsonville.or.us.