As Boys and Girls Aid marks our 133rd year of serving children across Oregon we continue to be inspired by your outpouring of generosity to our local Cypress Branch.
Sports Bag Program
Each Christmas Dianne McMichael organizes the donation of gym bags or backpacks equipped with things for boys. The rest of our members each choose a tag from a Christmas tree at the November luncheon to donate whatever is requested by one of the children served by Boys and Girls Aid.
“The Nest”
Our new project this year is called “The Nest”. This is a house staffed, full time. by trained counselor/ house parents that care for children from birth to age 8. There are other trained folk that come in for respite. These children, taken from their parents, have suffered abuse, neglect or homelessness. This project is supported through a grant given to Boys and Girls Aid of Portland by the State.

Monica Ford is the Director of The Nest for Boys and Girls Aid of Portland.
The Mission Statement of “The Nest” is: We will meet the needs of each child and provide predictability, consistency, calmness and kindness, along with establishing boundaries and clear limit setting. For these children their first year at The Nest will be the Merry Christmas they have not known before.
Annual Holiday Brunch
Our Holiday Brunch will be at Springridge on December 15th at 10:30 a.m. The cost is $20, payable at the door. Visitors and all members are invited. To come as a visitor call Karina Rubin at 760-898-1330. See you there!
View flyer, click here.
Source: M. Wiesenthal. 11.10.17