Fall and Winter Parks and Recreation Program Registration Now Open
Registration for fall activities is now open and participants can register online on the Parks and Recreation website. Wilsonville Parks and Recreation offers a variety of programs and services for citizens of all ages with recreation offerings ranging from art and fitness to lifelong learning. New programs this Fall include: Furniture Restoration using Chalk Paint, anAlzheimers Education Series and the return of Zumba. Additionally, favorites like Tai Chi, Yoga, Pilates and Healthy Bones and Balance return for another session. All programs can be viewed and registered for online at WilsonvilleParksandRec.com.
Program Highlight: Alzheimer’s Education Series
The Alzheimer’s Association is pleased to present an ongoing series of free educational classes at the Wilsonville Parks & Recreation Administrative Offices, 29600 Park Place Court. Sessions run from from 10:00 – 11:30 am. Space is limited. Please call the Alzheimer’s Association at 1-800-272-3900 to register or for additional details.
Know the 10 Signs – Thursday October 12
Attendees will gain an understanding of the difference between age-related memory loss vs. Alzheimer’s and what to do if they or someone they know has signs of the disease. This workshop will also provide an overview of Alzheimer’s disease, risk factors, and what is involved in getting a diagnosis.
The Basics of Alzheimers – Thursday November 9
Alzheimer’s affects people in varying ways and ripples out to impact the lives of those who interact with them. Understanding what is happening to a person with Alzheimer’s is key to interacting effectively and providing quality care. This class includes information from expert professionals in the field and first-hand accounts from people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.
Law Clinic Returns to the Community Center
The Senior Law Clinic is coming back to the Wilsonville Community Center! Wilsonville seniors (60+) may schedule a free 30 minute legal consultation with volunteer attorney Michael Rose on the 4th Thursday of each month. Appointments are available between 10 am and 11:30 am. Consultations will begin on Thursday September 28, by appointment only.
Please contact Sadie at 503-570-1526 or wallenberg@ci.wilsonville.or.us for more information or to schedule your appointment.
Community Kick-Off Event for Boones Ferry Park Master Plan
The City of Wilsonville invites the public to attend a Community Kick-Off to help plan the future of Wilsonville’s Boones Ferry Park. The event will take place on Tuesday, September 5, 6:00 p.m., at Boones Ferry Park, 31240 SW Boones Ferry Road. The City seeks community input regarding preferences for enhancing park and open space amenities and increasing river access.
The purpose of the Boones Ferry Park Master Plan is to advise the City Council and Parks and Recreation Department on how the park is currently functioning and to set the course for future use. Currently, the park is utilized for drop-in uses of the playground, open lawn area and basketball court. The park is also home to the Tauchman House, a popular location for city-sponsored programs and private rentals. The master plan is to guide the future of the park to best meet the community’s current and future needs.For more information, contact Mike McCarty, Wilsonville Parks and Recreation Director at 503-570-1579 or at mccarty@ci.wilsonville.or.us.
Senior Trips for September
Wilsonville Community Seniors Inc (WCSI) coordinates senior trips to regional attractions twice per month. The trips depart at 11 am from the parking lot at Wilsonville City Hall. Signups are taken starting the 1st of each month and must be done in person at the Community Center.
September 14 – Octoberfest and lunch on your around in Mt Angel.
September 28 – Lunch at White’s Diner in Salem and then a tour of the Willamette Valley Cheese Co.
Source: B. Stevenson. Wilsonville Parks & Recreation. 8.10.17