[box type=”note”]A big ‘thank you’ to all those residents who responded at short notice to oppose the Oregon Department of Aviation’s application to the FAA for $33 million to extend the Aurora Airport runway. Senate President Peter Courtney’s Chief of Staff has stated today that “the Governor’s office has indicated that the application will not proceed at this time.” That is very good news. However, they will be back!!
Thanks again Bob Harland & Tony Holt [/box]
Four Times More Money Than Previously Estimated!
Last week we became aware of a letter of notification from Oregon Dept. of Aviation to Senate President Peter Courtney and speaker Tina Kotek, dated July 27, notifying them that ODA plans to submit a preliminary application to the Federal Aeronautical Administration for $33 Million to expand the Aurora Airport.
What’s wrong with this:
1. The amount is four times the cost estimate at the end of the last Master Planning Process to “extend the runway at Aurora Airport.”
2. It includes $4 Million for “property purchase.” How much land south of the current airport is that?
3. It is predicated on data from a recent study by an outside consultant to quantify “constrained operations” but ODA itself has contributed to inflated numbers in this study by granting a permanent waiver to a large corporate jet that is oversized for this airport.
4. The letter states that this study requires “a runway of 6000 feet or longer.” Even considering a runway longer than 6000 feet overrules the current Master Plan.
Dept of Aviation is marching to a due date of August 8 (yes, that is tomorrow!!) to submit this application. WE NEED YOUR HELP IN COMMUNICATING OPPOSITION TO THIS APPLICATION TO THE GOVERNOR’S OFFICE, AND LEGISLATIVE LEADERSHIP.
Please send an email (or call) in opposition to this action to the following Government offices:
Senate President Peter Courtney (Democrat – District 11 – Salem)
Email: Sen.PeterCourtney@oregonlegislature.gov
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1600
House Speaker Tina Kotek (Democrat – District 44 – N/NE Portland)
Email: Rep.TinaKotek@oregonlegislature.gov
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1200
Nik Blosser, Chief of Staff to Governor Kate Brown
Email: Nik.BLOSSER@oregon.gov
Phone: 503-373-1565
If you agree, you can make these points in your email:
- Proposed $33 million Aurora State Airport runway extension project has had No public review or public input process. Oregon law requires a public process prior to committing to a major project with land-use, environmental and surface transportation impacts.
- The 2012 Aurora State Airport master plan did not follow state law in terms of public process and resulted in Oregon Aviation Board decision to extend runway that was contrary to findings of the plan.
- A project of this magnitude with substantial potential impacts to nearby surface transportation facilities, area quality-of-life and agricultural economic cluster deserves an opportunity for public input.
- Due to a lack of public review of the proposed runway extension, no impacts nor mitigation strategies have been considered.
- With McNary Field, the airport in Salem (which has a long runway, all services and infrastructure in place only 22 miles away, expanding the Aurora Airport wastes government money to benefit a few and is a bad thing for the surrounding communities.
Thank you in advance!
Friends of French Prairie